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Sunday, January 8, 2012

pick yourself up

To me,

Twelve is an awkward and uncomfortable age isn't it? Don't worry, your awkward phase will be over soon enough.. Kind of. You're going to learn a lot during high school, and I'm not just talking about in your classes. You're going to lose and make a lot of friends, so let yourself lose and make them. I know you're a perfectionist, but you need to realize that you're going to make mistakes.. Lots of them. Don't try and control everything in your life, that's impossible. Please, please don't waste your time being self conscious, that is destructive and can hold you back from some really amazing experiences and people. This sounds like a lecture, doesn't it? But I promise it is for the best.

Pick up guitar.. Do it. You're going to always regret it if you don't. Right about now I am guessing that you are really starting to appreciate music. That appreciation is going to keep on growing the older you get. One piece of advice I have regarding that though is that I don't want you to let your music choices affect your mood too much. It is going to be easy for you to identify with music so I want you to let that love grow.

Lastly, you're going to have trouble keeping healthy physically and mentally during your junior year. I want you to find things that make you happy and want you to stick with them because that is what is going to help you make it through these kinds of times. Learn how to pick yourself up and stick with it.

Much love and good luck,
Bridget Kelly

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